Thursday, December 8, 2011

Video Game Addiction

The main idea of the video games report is that there are a lot of people (preteens) addicted and they waste their time on these things, and also they don’t know if the video games are affecting their brains or not, because they think it is just a video game.

However, not only the preteens are playing video games; maybe the teenagers do so more than children. But nowadays we see that the preteens are feeling excited and spend their time on them. Some of the preteens or most of them play even more and the parents should keep them from any kinds of this game and don’t let them focus and spend more of their time on these games because it might be very dangerous for themselves and their eyes.

In addition, parents should choose some different activities like reading stories, participating in any competition and sports (soccer, riding horse, swimming……etc) and there are more activities for the preteens to avoid video games, although they should let them play a video game but not all the time. And of course everybody knows that if someone is an addict in something it will be a big problem because they cannot stay away from it, and the parents should put an alternative about the video games because if you find an alternative they will play different kinds of games.